Educational paths, botanical trails by bike and on foot

Educational paths, botanical trails by bike and on foot

Püspökerdő (Bishop’s Woods) in the outskirts of Győr (Győr-Pinnyéd) has become a popular place with the inhabitants of Győr for promenades due to a recent investment. In addition to the well-kept clearings and camp-fire-places, a 9 km long hiking trail and a forest training path await visitors. To children’s pleasure, a playground can also be found in the park. There is also an educational path in the Bishop’s Woods where the flora and fauna are introduced on information boards in their natural environment.

The Ravazd - Sokorópátka Educational Path (12 km) can be either walked or rode by bike. The trail starts at the exit of “Likas-horog”, where visitors can read general information on the Pannonhalma Landscape Conservation Area. The road then leads to the entrance of the Ravazd forest, where we are taught about the indigenous species of the hilly area, the role and the protection of woods. Further at the Hármastarján junction, more information is given about the living communities of the area with an emphasis on the botanical and zoological treasures. From this station onwards bikers can ride on a concrete route towards Sokorópátka. At the next station they can learn about the formation, as well as the geological, cultural-historical and environmental treasures of the Pannonhalma hills. Hikers can proceed on Rókavölgyi road. The two paths meet again at the forestry house at Vadalmás, where additional information can be obtained about the collectible medicinal herbs, mushrooms, crops and the protected treasures of the clearings.

Within the Pannonhalma Landscape Conservation Area, an educational path along the backwaters of the river Rába (Győr-Gyirmót) can be covered on foot, and partly also by bike. The educational path starts at Sörfőző (Csikós) meadow at Gyirmót. Visitors can find some benches and a camp-fire-place here as well as general information on the Landscape Conservation Area. The path will take you across the meadow to the next information board, from which you will learn about migratory birds and the nature protection of the region. Following the trail, visitors arrive at the Gyirmót-bridge. A general picture can be obtained here about the fauna of the waters and especially nesting birds. Following the pattern of the backwaters, the educational path takes you back to the dam of the river Rába where the botanic values of the area are introduced. The hiking trail here meets the bike route; then it goes on - parallel to the dam - to the last station where you can get information about the formation of backwaters, as well as the vegetation in the flood area.

The Vár-kő educational path maintained by the Sokoró Ecological Park Foundation is also worth a visit. Along the 4km long path, experts of the Foundation introduce the flora and fauna of Pannonhalma-Sokoró region, together with the past and the present of the district. In the course of the visit, organic products (jam, juice and herb tea) produced by the Foundation can also be tasted.

Sokoró Ökológiai Park Alapítvány
9081 Győrújbarát, BM köz 1.
Phone/fax: (+36 96) 456-740

The Pannonhalma educational path (2 km) starts at Boldog-Mór look-out tower, with a board containing information about the Pannonhalma Landscape Conservation Area; then it leads to the protected woods beneath the look-out tower. At the next station visitors can learn about the main forest-types and the botanical treasures of the Pannonhalma Hills. Finally, the educational path introduces the main protected zoological treasures of the area.